Honey, you say? Yes, honey!
A little more than a year ago I decided I wanted to put some more energy in my skincare routine. All I was doing was removing my makeup and splash some water on my face. I felt like it wasn't enough, and my skin sure reflected that thought as well. I have never had really bad acne or anything like that, but I did have pimples which, like every other teenage girl, I didn't like.
So one day I decided to google some homemade facemasks and ways to clean my skin better. I stumbled upon CrunchyBetty and found the Wash Your Face With Honey: Take The Crunchy Betty Challenge article. I was already way too late for the challenge, but that didn't matter of course, I could start whenever I liked. So I decided that I would remove my makeup and wash my face after with honey every night, for two weeks, before I went to bed. After the two weeks had passed, I saw such amazing results, that I decided to continue washing my face with honey! I've been doing it ever since, every night, and I'm not planning to stop yet.
Now, let me quote what's on the Honey Challenge page on CrunchyBetty.com, about why you want to wash your face with this liquid gold.
A little more than a year ago I decided I wanted to put some more energy in my skincare routine. All I was doing was removing my makeup and splash some water on my face. I felt like it wasn't enough, and my skin sure reflected that thought as well. I have never had really bad acne or anything like that, but I did have pimples which, like every other teenage girl, I didn't like.
So one day I decided to google some homemade facemasks and ways to clean my skin better. I stumbled upon CrunchyBetty and found the Wash Your Face With Honey: Take The Crunchy Betty Challenge article. I was already way too late for the challenge, but that didn't matter of course, I could start whenever I liked. So I decided that I would remove my makeup and wash my face after with honey every night, for two weeks, before I went to bed. After the two weeks had passed, I saw such amazing results, that I decided to continue washing my face with honey! I've been doing it ever since, every night, and I'm not planning to stop yet.
Now, let me quote what's on the Honey Challenge page on CrunchyBetty.com, about why you want to wash your face with this liquid gold.
- It is antibacterial and antimicrobial. It will get off any lingering nastiness that’s thinking about setting up camp on your face and creating pimples.
- It is slightly drying which means it helps soak up any pimples or oiliness.
- It is also incredibly moisturizing. Seems like a double standard, doesn’t it? But it’s true. Honey sinks into your skin and moisturizes like you wouldn’t believe. (Remember Cleopatra and her honey baths to look young?)
- It imparts all kinds of beneficial enzymes that work at scrubbing your face for you, as well as perform a little anti-aging action.
- It’s great for acne, aging skin, normal skin, dry skin … honey loves EVERY SKIN TYPE.
- It is healing and helps repair acneic sores and scars.
- It’s 100%, absolutely, positively natural, great for your skin, and such a SIMPLE addition to your routine!
Are you convinced yet? I hope so!
Here's how to wash your face with honey. It's very easy :)
What You Need:
Here's how to wash your face with honey. It's very easy :)
What You Need:
Honey - Water - and a towel to pat your face dry
If you don't know what honey to buy/use, click here
And remember to take your makeup off before you wash your face with honey!
- Tie your hair back or get it out of your face. (Honey makes hair really sticky.)
- Pour 1/2-ish teaspoon of honey into the palm of your hands and rub your hands together for 2-3 seconds, just to warm up the honey.
- Place the honey on your face and massage it in for a minute or two – all around, don’t forget an inch of face.
- Optional – leave the honey sitting there on your face for 5 or 10 minutes, just so your skin can drink the goodness in.
- Rinse a few times with water. You’ll be surprised at how quickly and easily it rinses off!
- Bask in the beauty that is your face now.
And that's it!
I hope this'll help people who want to improve their skin by taking better care of it.
If you want to do the challenge you're more than welcome to. Please let me know if you decide to start washing your face with honey, and tell me about your experiences! I'd be very glad to hear.
SJ x
So simple, I would love to try it, anything which helps improve my skin is alright by me :)
ReplyDeletePlease come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)
I'm sure this will improve your skin! I've seen the results myself, and I can honestly say that I am very pleased! xx