Sunday, June 2, 2013

Liebster Award

I got nominated for the Liebster Award by Mishymoo. Thank you so much <3
You should check out her blog, it's very nice!

The Liebster Award is given from bloggers to bloggers who are new and/or upcoming. This makes it a great way to discover new blogs and to socialize!

The Rules
- Each person nominated must list 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the 11 questions left by your tagger.
- Create your own 11 questions.
- Tag up to 11 up and coming bloggers.
- No Tag Backs.

11 Facts About Me
- My mom is from Holland and my dad is from Surinam, that makes me a mulattin!
- I am a dog and a horse person.
- I'm an introvert and socially awkward around strangers. With friends and loved ones I'm the complete opposite.
- When I was younger I wanted to be a writer or a vet. Now I have no idea what I want.
- I'm terrible at math. TERRIBLE.
People find my taste in music very odd. Mostly because I like bits and bobs of every music genre there is.
- My favorite movie genre is horror/thriller.
- The Titanic makes me cry. Every time. Even when someone hums the theme song.
- I try to go to the gym at least 2 times a week.
- ^ I am quite lazy and I often need to push myself to actually do something.
- There's one year left till I graduate from high school. (finally)

Questions By Tagger (Mishymoo)
Q: Do you prefer gold, silver or bronze jewellery?
A: I like gold and silver, I think they both look good with my skintone.
Q: Who is your celebrity style icon? (if you have one)
A: To be honest.. I don't really have one!
Q: What is your favorite song at the moment?
A: Frank Ocean - Swim Good *drool*
Q: What are the first 3 items you'd buy if you won over 10 million pounds?
A: These are not really 'items' but I'd buy: A huge farm, horses, and a Mini car =]
Q: One fashion item you can't live without (can be specific)?
A: I definitely can't live without my skinny jeans. They're such a wardrobe essential for me.
Q: If you were only allowed to wear one would you choose, eye makeup or face makeup e.g. foundation, concealer?
A: I'd choose for eye makeup because I like doing that kind of makeup, and I don't wear foundation or concealer that often anyway, I could live without it!
Q: What is your favorite animal?
A: I love all animals but I think it's kinda obvious when I say my favorite is the wolf :)
Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
A: Definitely food. I binge too much, sometimes...
Q: Do you collect anything?
A: I'm really bad at throwing things away, but I don't collect anything as far as I know. Maybe clothes, if that counts, haha.
Q: If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you live?
A: That's a hard one... I've thought about moving to California/New York or maybe Brazil/Argentina, but I'll probably just stay here because I'm afraid to leave everything behind!
Q: Favorite blog?
A:, everything about her blog, herself and her style has something unique... I don't really know how to explain it, but if you have time you should definitely check her out!

My Questions For You

- What fashion trend from this year do you like most?
- What's your favorite clothing shop?
- Favorite makeup brand?
What are some of your favorite websites?
- If you were to write a book about your life, what would you call it?
- Have you ever travelled outside your country? To where?
- What are some things that scare you?
- What's the first thing you notice about people?
- What's your opinion about social media?
- How is/was high school for you?
- What do you like most about yourself?

My Nominations